Big Foot

Big Foot

The project, The Big Foot, commenced in the year 1995, when the longest sculpture carved in India, entered the Limca Book of Records. Being multi-faceted in aspect, it was difficult to classify this project under any particular heading. Therefore, it divided itself into different portions, covering a multitude of facets, all of which had to do with, the A, B, C, of the essence of it. The project is co enhanced by the Big Foot Trust, a body that handles all the Artistic and Cultural aspects. Today, this project is alike any other multi-national company, differing in one major aspect, only, in that it is the brain-child of a single individual, Maendra J. A. Alvares, an Artist and Sculptor himself, who single-handedly carved India’s Longest Sculpture of Sant Mirabai, in Laterite, entitled Natural Harmony.

In all its endeavors, the project has been instrumental in the promotion of the Arts, in Adults as well as in Children. The passing years have seen any number of events taking place at the Big Foot. Prominent amongst  these are the “Art Workshops” held for the children, annually. These camps are different in their very execution. Every year, these camps try to enhance their difference with a variety of eco-friendly related projects. Enumerated amongst these activities are things like, creativity related work in clay, wood carving and sand sculptures. Survival techniques, in the instruction of open-fire cooking, the benefits of certain types of foods, and fishing are taught.

Respect your Environment and protect it, is a vitally important motto underlining all the above activities. Children are taught the herbal, and other beneficial uses of the plants and trees around them. The children are also instructed on the caretaking of these plants and varied co related topics. Tea & snacks for the underprivileged, tree planting drives, cleaning the environment, Plastic free drives, and Wealth out of general and plastic waste.


Photography contests with themes related to the environment are organized annually in association with various local Photography clubs for adults and children alike. Every year, the Big Foot Trust, undertakes the responsibility of involving the Aged citizens and other adults in its creative forum. The activities range from little skits, and one-act plays during Carnival and Christmas time, when food and sweets are distributed to the homes for the aged. Birthday bashes for the children of the village school, which include their guests and the giving away of gifts and a tour of the premises.

The Trust also organizes a Cookery course with a difference, for which ladies of different fields are invited. These courses involve the instruction in the basics of food preservation, the benefits of wood-fire cooking, the uses of different ingredients, etc.

The Big Foot Trust also maintains a number of outlets, Government and private, for the promotion of local and Folk art. Prominent among these are the Government, Aparant and District Rural Development Agency emporiums. The Art Cottage and Handicraft Center are private enterprises.

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