
Majorda Beach

Majorda is the village where the Jesuits, discovered the best Goan toddy (sap from the coconut palm), which they used to leaven the bread. Naturally  Majorda is the place where the Goans were first trained in the delicate art of baking European breads. The Majordans are still Goa’s best bakers. The delights of the beach however were discovered much earlier in the mythical times when the gods above went through a lot of turmoil. There is a Goan version of Ramayana and therein Lord Rama was kidnapped as a child and brought up at Majorda. Later, in pursuit of Sita, he camped at Cabo de Rama – a headland further south – where the stretch of developed beaches ends.

Marjorda Beach in Goa is connected to Margao with an excellent network of roadways, including buses, auto rickshaws and taxis. It is one of the most popular beaches of Goa.

Some of the most famous hotels and resorts of Goa are found here and thus it is quite a popular place for a holiday. You can find wide variety of luxury hotels and budget shelters.

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April, 2025




August 26,2019

  • Tuesday
  • 9:00am - 10:00am
  • franklina
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